How to Credit Card
If credit were as simple as cash, we wouldn’t need cash anymore. Credit cards are very complicated sometimes, yet the fundamental financial skills needed to use them are not taught in schools or colleges. Here are my secrets to success in managing credit accounts. #1 Always have at least two credit accounts This is the…
College Admission & Advising
After deciding which flight school to attend, the next step to becoming a pilot is to get admitted to the school. At smaller schools, this process may be as simple as signing a couple of forms and making an initial payment. When I decided to attend EMU, the Office of Admissions there refused to review…
Choosing a Flight School
The first step into flight training is to go flying. Many flight schools offer a discounted first lesson as a taste of how exciting it is to be in the airplane. I paid $29 at the local flight school for my intro flight in 2008. That’s practically free, and it was one of the best…
Do You Want To Be a Pilot?
I’ve decided to start my articles about university life with a series called the Flight Training Survival Guide. This first installment looks at what it takes to be a successful flight student before committing yourself to a costly endeavor.