I always thought college graduation would be like high school graduation; a happy day that goes by too quickly. But in many ways, my college graduation stretched over two months filled with celebrations, gifts, studying, and so many exams that I’ve lost count!
Over the past two months, I’ve had several new experiences and accomplishments:
- Attended the Alpha Eta Rho National Conference in Kalamazoo.
- Received the Outstanding Student in Aviation award at the College of Technology Celebration of Scholarship banquet.
- Mailed commencement announcements.
- Scored 100% during the 3-day final exam for Aircraft Dispatcher.
- Moved out of my dorm room.
- Enjoyed my undergraduate commencement ceremony.
- Passed the FAA practical test for Aircraft Dispatcher certification.
- Took a train ride from Ann Arbor. Collided with an 18-wheeler full of kayaks! Luckily, there were no injuries.
- Presented my pilot survey research project to the Dean of the College of Technology.
- Completed spin training and the flight instructor stage check.
- Passed the FAA written test for Fundamentals of Instructing.
- Passed the FAA written test for Flight Instructor Airplane.
- Passed the FAA written test for Ground Instructor Basic.
- Passed the FAA practical test for Flight Instructor Airplane Single Engine.
It was a busy time for me.
From here, I should see my final grades posted for Flight Instructor training. I will bring those grades to the attention of my graduation auditor who will review the grades and give me a letter verifying I am a graduate (summa cum laude) of EMU officially on August 23, 2013.
Since I have no further academic obligations, I only have to wait for August 23 to come around before EMU can put my diploma in the mail. I should have it in my hands sometime this fall!
In the meantime, I plan to work on the instrument rating for my flight instructor certificate and send my résumé to a variety of flight schools. My goal is to have a flight instructing job by the end of year, and I am determined to make that happen.